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Basic Use

import { api, action } from '@plexusjs/core'
const myCoolApi = api('')

const fetchUsers = action(async ({ onCatch }) => {
return myCoolApi.get('/users')

const users = await fetchUsers() //=> [{id: 1, name: "John"}, {id: 2, name: "Jane"}] or something


api .config

The current base configuration of this api

  • .headers {Record<string, string>}: Refer to Official Documentation.
  • .body {BodyInit | null}: Refer to Official Documentation.
  • .cache {RequestCache}: Refer to Official Documentation.
  • .credentials {RequestCredentials}: Refer to Official Documentation.
  • .integrity {string}: Refer to Official Documentation.
  • .keepalive {boolean}: Refer to Official Documentation.
  • .mode {RequestMode}: Refer to Official Documentation.
  • .redirect {RequestRedirect}: Refer to Official Documentation.
  • .referrer {string}: Refer to Official Documentation.
  • .referrerPolicy {ReferrerPolicy}: Refer to Official Documentation.
  • .signal {AbortSigna | nulll}: Refer to Official Documentation.
  • .window {null}: Refer to Official Documentation.


api .get()

Send a get request

  • Path {string}: The path to call on the api.
  • Query? {Record<string, string>}: The object to use for the url query string.
api .post()

Send a post request

  • Path {string}: The path to call on the api.
  • Body? {Record<string, string>}: The object to use for the request body.
api .put()

Send a put request

  • Path {string}: The path to call on the api.
  • Body? {Record<string, string>}: The object to use for the request body.
api .delete()

Send a delete request

  • Path {string}: The path to call on the api.
api .patch()

Send a patch request

  • Path {string}: The path to call on the api.
  • Body? {Record<string, string>}: The object to use for the request body.
api .options()

Set the configuration options for fetch

  • Path {string}: The path to call on the api.
  • Query? {Record<string, string>}: The object to use for the url query string
api .auth()

Set the the Authorization header for the request

Stored Differently From other Headers

This is stored seprately from other headers. If there is another value for the Authorization header in options, this value will override it.

  • AuthType {"bearer" | "basic" | "jwt"}: The type of API token being used. This determines the prefix of the Authorization header.
  • TokenValue {string}: The object to use for the url query string
api .headers()

Set headers for the requests of this API Instance

  • HeaderObject {Record<string, string>}: An object of headers to set for the request.
api .reset()

Reset this routes configuration

  • {ApiInstance}: Returns the reset API Instance


apiResponse .data

The data returned from the request in JSON format. If the data is not supposed to be JSON, use apiResponse.rawData

  • {string}: The internal id of the PreAction.
apiResponse .status

The HTTP status of the request

  • {number}: The HTTP status code of the response.
apiResponse .ok

Is the status code between 200 to 299?

  • {boolean}: True if the response status was between 200 and 299. False if otherwise.
apiResponse .rawData

The raw string of the response data

  • {string}: The internal id of the PreAction.
apiResponse .response

The HTTP response object (ResponseInit)

  • {ResponseInit}: Refer to Official Documentation.