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Basic Core

Quick Setup

With Yarn
yarn create plexus-core --typescript
With NPX
npx create-plexus-core --typescript


The focus of this style is to be simple and clean. Very little boilerplate but still well organized. This style works best for:

  • Sub-sites and basic dashboards
  • Weekend side-projects
  • School projects

File Structure Suggestion

├─ core/
│ ├─ actions.ts
│ ├─ states.ts
└ ├─ api.ts
└─ types.ts

File Content Examples


We can create our types and interfaces in this file and export it for the rest of our core (or the rest of our app if we want).

export interface ChannelData {
uuid: string
name: string
followers: number


This is where we define stateful instances things like states, computed, and collections.

import { state, collection, computed } from '@plexusjs/core'

// Importing the ChannelData type
import { ChannelData } from '/types'

// Create a state instance
export const userData = state({
name: '',
age: -1,

// This collection is used to store the channels, the objects should be of type ChannelData defined above
export const channelsCollection = collection<ChannelData>({
primaryKey: 'uuid', // default value is "id"


This is where we can create our API instances. we can interract with this elsewhere to interract with data from the server.

import { api } from '@plexusjs/core'

// You can use the api to make requests to the server at a specific endpoint
export const channelBroker = api('').auth(


Here is where we define our actions. An action is a function that is called to preform business logic. Technically, an action is just a buffed up function, so you can just use it as a function wrapper to gain the benifits of the action hooks.

import { action } from '@plexusjs/core'

// Import your module instances
import { channelsCollection } from './states'
import { channelBroker } from './api'

// This action is used to fetch the channels from the API
export const subscribeToChannel = action(async ({ onCatch }) => {
const { data } = await channelBroker.get('/get-channels')



Here is the final file we make; the index file takes all of your instances from the other files and exports them into single point.

// Import your module instances
import * as actions from './actions'
import * as states from './states'
import * as api from './api'

// Export your module instances from a single index.ts file
export { actions, states, api }